Samar Hanif

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Israel Boycott List. How to boycott Israel?

I will not give a long list of products to boycott, because that is not realistic and effective. Therefore, be precise and spread awareness. Share with others.

Israel Boycott Products:

According to the BDS movement’s official website, these are the companies that are on the boycott list in the world:

  1. McDonald’s – deals in fast food restaurants.
  2. Pizza Hut – deals in pizza restaurants.
  3. Domino’s – deals in pizza restaurants.
  4. Papa Johns – deals in pizza restaurants.
  5. Burger King – deals in burger restaurants.
  6. Carrefour – deals in retail stores.
  7. – Website builder company.
  8. Barclays – a bank
  9. HP –  a technology company.
  10. Puma – deals in footwear, apparel, and accessories.
  11. Volvo – deals in cars and vehicles.
  12. Sabra – PepsiCo’s shared company, deals in food products.
  13. SodaStream – deals in carbonated drinks.
  14. Ahava – deals in cosmetics.
  15. CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles) – deals in railway vehicles and equipment. 
  16. CAT (Caterpillar Inc.) – engineering equipment manufacturer.
  17. Siemens – deals in industrial automation equipment. 
  18. HD Hyundai – Petroleum refining company.
  19. JCB – manufacturer of equipment for construction, agriculture, waste handling, and demolition.
  20. Caltex – deals in gasoline and oil.
  21. AXA – deals in financial services.
  22. Remax – deals in real estate.
  23. Texaco – gasoline and oil brand.
  24. Chevron – oil and gas company.
  25. Hikvision – manufacturer and supplier of video surveillance equipment.
  26. TKH Security – deals in video surveillance
  27. Elbit Systems – military technology and defense contractor company.

Below are the logos of the names mentioned above.


Why Boycott Israel?


Recently, the world witnessed a significant massacre in Gaza since October 7, 2023, where Israel claimed the lives of more than 40,000 Palestinians to date (Check the latest numbers on 80% of which are women and children. This ethnic cleansing sparked many global protests in favour of the Palestinian people. The Boycott movements also gained momentum leading to widespread discussions on the effectiveness of boycotts and campaigns against companies supporting Israel. Let’s delve into the reality of these events, exploring the reasons behind boycotts, the impact on companies, and the broader implications.

Understanding the Purpose of Boycotts:

Boycotts are not driven by mere hatred for specific products or a desire to shut down companies. Rather, one of its purposes is to disrupt a company’s profits. No one wants to see their hard-earned profits affected, and companies often prioritize financial gains over humanitarian concerns. This is evident in various instances, such as Egypt restricting the entry of Gaza residents to protect its own interests.

Boycotting does not necessarily mean destroying existing products like smartphones, as it may not directly impact a company’s profits.

Companies’ Shifting Stance: Many global brands initially support Israel due to perceived financial gains. However, when faced with public backlash and potential profit losses, they alter their statements. For instance, McDonald’s initially posted a picture of providing free food to the Israeli army but later deleted it following public outcry. The evolving narratives and actions of these companies indicate the influence of public sentiment on their policies.

Challenges and Considerations in Boycotts:

Boycotts face challenges in determining which companies to target. Emotional connections and psychological tactics used by brands complicate decision-making. Companies invest heavily in advertising, employing psychological experts to create powerful ad copies that establish emotional connections with consumers. These connections make it difficult for consumers to sever ties with the brand.

Moreover, the financial power and influence of large corporations make it challenging to successfully boycott them. However, the focus should be on the impact of the boycott on the company’s reputation and market share over time, rather than immediate economic pressure.

Boycotts Strategies and Targets:

The effectiveness of boycotts lies in their ability to tarnish a company’s reputation and gradually reduce its market share. The international BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) campaign against Israel has gained traction, with specific companies being targeted based on their direct involvement in supporting Israel’s actions. Identifying parent companies and understanding their affiliations is crucial for an effective boycott.

Islam and Boycott:

While some scholars argue that boycotting is not obligatory in Islam, it is essential to consider the broader perspective. Islam encourages unity and collective action. If Muslims collectively boycott a company, it sends a powerful message and may influence the company’s decisions. Drawing parallels with a company’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Muslims should collectively follow the principles of their faith to achieve positive outcomes.


Boycotts can be powerful tools for change when strategically implemented and sustained. The global community, especially Muslim countries, needs to unite and coordinate efforts to address issues like the Palestine-Israel conflict. The success of boycotts depends on informed decisions, consistent efforts, and a commitment to long-term change.


BDS official website:

Another website that lists the companies that support Israel:

Submitted corrections for the video above? 

None yet, but I will keep updating this link inshALLAH.


Samar Hanif

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